This week, the biggest free agency signing in the history of sports happened with Lebron James. As most major athletes do when they sign with a team, he held a press conference to announce his signing. The media and fans were so interested that a simple press conference became a media circus and a hour long prime time event. When he announced his decision to sign with Miami, people were for some reason outraged. I heard several "causal fans" saying "is it really necessary for him to have a press conference?" "He has an ego." and the negative comments go on and on. Why? Because Lebron James is the best pure athlete in the history of the NBA. His size, ability, and power can not be matched with any previous NBA greats. Chicago, New York, Cleveland, New Jersey, and Miami put 'all their eggs in one basket', hoping to sign The King. Once he announced his decision, the teams, fans, and coach's left without King James reacted as if it was elimination round on Flavor of Love. Screaming, yelling, burning of clothes that remind you of your "ex", and of course tarnishing Lebron's name. Saying "they are better off without him." Cleveland, your acting like the crazy Ex-boyfriend that's surprised when your girlfriend (Lebron) breaks up with you after you spend up all the money around him (cap space) and leave him with no ring (NBA championship) and an aging overpriced dvd collection (Shaq, Jamision and every other sign they have made in the last 7 years.) It's over Cleveland, it's over.

On to the most unprofessional thing I have seen in sports in a long time (including Roberto Alomar spitting in an umpire's face)
had to be Dan Gilbert's "Letter to Fans". This an NBA OWNER, and he said some of the most childish and stupid things I have ever heard anyone say about an athlete who has literally done nothing wrong in his NBA career. Saying Lebron "betrayed you" (Cleveland), calling him "Cowardly", Narcissistic", and finally claiming ""I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THAT THE CLEVELAND CAVALIERS WILL WIN AN NBA CHAMPIONSHIP BEFORE THE SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE".
LEBRON brought hope to the city of Cleveland after Cleveland had been a terrible sports town for decades. LEBRON doubled the Cleveland Cavaliers worth in 7 years. Made the Cavs one of the most televised teams and their apparel some of the best sold. Previous to Lebron, the best ball player Cleveland could ever get was Mark Price. And I don't remember anyone burning Mark Price jerseys or calling him a "coward" for signing with the Washington Bullets. And then Cleveland RETIRED Mark Price's number.
You think they will retire Lebron's number? Of course not. Instead of speaking about what Lebron has taken from you, Cleveland, maybe you should be thankful for what he gave you. He made you a top NBA team, a marketable team, and took you to the finals. Help make a struggling a city, a place of hope. Lebron did his part in this relationship, averaging nearly 30 points a game, 7 rebounds, and 7 assists in his time in Cleveland. Cleveland surrounded him with past their prime overpriced veterans, and a point guard that couldn't shoot his way out of a paper bag in the playoffs. Everyone knows in a relationship, it takes two. This relationship was ruined by Cleveland's poor choices of a support cast, not because of their lack of trying. And now Lebron has found a new team with young players his age and a management system that is making the correct moves to win a championship.
I have heard some people saying that going to Miami is Lebron "giving up his legacy, to win a championship." What? All Lebron haters talked about before, was how he could not win a title, now that he puts himself in the best situation to win a title, his legacy gets criticized? What do Kobe, Jordan, Bird, and Magic all have in common? They couldn't win a title on their own. Jordan needed Pippen, Magic needed Worthy, and Kobe needed Shaq and Gasol. The NBA is too tough to win on your own, and Lebron realizes this. So respect his decision. He was a free agent who signed with the best team he could. We criticize athletes constantly for signing with teams only for money, but when Lebron signs for less money to give himself the best chance at a ring, he becomes the biggest villain in sports? I'll never get the people that feel this way. I'll continue to cheer for Lebron and we will see who is laughing next June when he averages a triple double and wins a ring with the Heat.