Written by: Kyle Scanlan

My entire life I have been a huge NBA fan. Since the post Jordan days, I have been in the minority of sports fans I know because of that. I don't just watch during playoffs, I don't just watch the 4th quarter of games, and I pay extra money on my cable bill to get the NBA TV channel. That being said, I'm not sure why I have done any of this. The NBA doesn't care about their fans, and it's obvious.
Right off the heels of a 5 month lockout that nearly ended the entire season, David Stern and the gang are back to doing what the do best; making fans go 'why do I even give a shit about this?'
The New Orleans Hornets, who have had a pretty unsuccessful go as an NBA team, do have the most wanted player in the league, Chris Paul. The Hornets are also owned by the NBA, and realize that if Chris Paul is gone, so is their money. Last week David Stern vetoed a trade that would have sent Paul to arguably the leagues most successful team of all time, The Los Angeles Lakers. Why? Because he can. Also, because it would hurt his pocket book, as he has dumped money into preseason ticket sales for Hornets' fans like Alonzo Morning and Larry Johnson were back on the team, ignoring the fact that they are a dying franchise.
By doing all this, David Stern is basically saying to fans everywhere, 'I don't care what you want, because that doesn't make me money.' This trade would have been great for the NBA, as the Lakers' "dynasty" team is nearing it's end and is trying to rebuild before Kobe leaves the league to pursue sexually assaulting people without remorse as a non NBA player.
*given hypothetical situation of being trapped in a room with David Stern and Kobe with one bullet, I'd ask for a gun to fire the bullet with (because what good is a single bullet?). I'd then just hold them both hostage in the room until we all 3 starved to death. That's how much I despise these two. I'd be willing to starve to death, if it were promised they weren't a part of the NBA anymore.
David Stern doesn't care what make you happy as a fan. He only cares about what makes him money. He doesn't care if a lockout over a billion dollar sports industry in the middle of a near depression makes you sad, he wants money. He doesn't care if a huge trade that could get both momentum for the upcoming season and gain fan interest following one of the ugliest lockouts in the history of sports makes would make you happy, he wants money. He doesn't care if you want to spend your hard earned money on the NBA League Pass and give the NBA a second chance this year. BECAUSE HE RAISED THE PRICE OF NBA LEAGUE PASS ON A SHORTENED SEASON, because he wants money.
I'm not sure if I believe in a Heaven or a Hell, but I absolutely 100% believe that David Stern is the devil.
Kyle, I'm pretty sure you just described American capitalism, they don't care about you they care about money! yay!